Case Study: Accept Försäkringar
"'Just what I needed' is the most common answer we get from our customers."
-Maria Jönsson – Accept Försäkringar
What does Accept försäkringar do?
Our biggest product is income insurance that ensures extra money in case of unemployment. We strive to have as efficient an organization as possible to keep operating costs down, while at the same time being keen to be available to our customers and have a short turnaround time.
What does the job market look like for your costumers?
Right now it looks pretty bright on the job market for those who have a job. Long-term unemployment accounts for a large proportion of unemployment, which means that if you lose your job, it can unfortunately take a long time to get a new one. Many of our clients are well-educated and attractive in the labor market, but some are unaccustomed to the ways in which they seek work today.
Why did you choose to work together with Auranest?

Accept is an internet-based insurance company that handles both sales and communication digitally. We wanted to give our customers the opportunity to facilitate the job search, so we were looking for an actor who, just like us, believes in new technology.
What is the response from the costumers who are using Auranest?
”Precis vad jag behövde” är det vanligaste svaret vi får från kunderna. Många har aldrig, eller i alla fall inte väldigt många år, varit arbetslösa. De vet helt enkelt inte hur man börjar söka jobb. När vi kan erbjuda Auranest till våra kunder så underlättar det mycket för dem. De kommer lättare över en hög tröskel och kan synas i många relevanta CV-databaser.
If you would recommend Auranest, what would you say?
Besides being so easy to register, I am impressed with how easily you can customize your personal letter while reading the advertisement on the job you want to apply for.
How do you think the labor market will change in the upcoming 5 years?
Digitalisering och effektivisering har gjort att många arbeten har kunnat ersättas av datorer, därmed har behovet vissa typer av jobb minskat. Den utvecklingen kommer säkert att fortsätta. Samtidigt ökar kravet på service, helst dygnet runt i flera olika kanaler. Det kommer öppna upp för flera smarta digitala verktyg, samtidigt som värdet av ”riktiga människor” som kan ge bra service kommer att värdesättas allt högre.